Best Time Of Day To Go To Casino

Posted : admin On 7/26/2022

The Best Time to go to Casinos to Win on Slot Machines
What time of day should you go to the casinos to increase your odds of winning on slot machines? Tips are here!


by Paul Ace Diamond 'Huggy' Blow

When is the Best Time to Visit Casinos? When you talk about timing in the context of actual dates you should go visit your favorite casinos, then the best time of course is when you have the time to really. Originally Answered: When is the best time to go to a casino? The best time is when it is as busy as possible. That means Friday and Saturday nights from roughly 8:00 pm to 2:00 am.

People often ask if there is an ideal time of day to go to the casinos in order to increase your chances of winning on the slot machines. Is there indeed a time when the games pay out more? Is there an ideal day of the week to go, or even ideal months of the year in which the slot machines pay out best? Here I will divulge what I have come to know about when is the best time to hit the casinos in order to increase the chances of winning on the slot machine games.

Best Time Of Day To Go To Casino

Personally -- with my years of experience playing slot machines at many different casinos -- I have come to find that there is indeed an ideal time of day in which to visit the casinos in order to increase the chances of winning on the games. My favorite strategy for winning on casino slot machines is to hop around on the slot games looking for the machine that is 'hot' -- that is, the machine that is in the 'win' cycle and is paying out. The way to find such a game is to move around from game to game until you find such a machine, and if you visit a casino during the busiest hours, this will be hard to do since most of the games will be occupied by other players. Thus, the best time to go to the casinos in order to move around freely from machine to machine is after 2 AM, since the crowds will be much smaller and more games will be unoccupied. I have found this to be true at most all casinos I have visited. I have had my best luck on slot machines between the hours of 2 AM and 4 AM. On the flip side, I have had my worst luck at casinos when I go week days in the early morning hours (7-10 AM).

As far as which day of the week is the best day to visit a casino, I personally have had my best luck on the slot machines on Saturday night after 2 AM (which technically would be Sunday morning.) It is almost as if the games suck in the money from the big Saturday night crowds, and start paying it back out in the wee hours after the crowds have left. I have also tried hitting the casinos on week nights after 2 AM, but Saturday nights seem to be better as far as getting big wins and large payouts.

As far as which months of the year are the best for winning on casino slot machines, I have consistently had my best luck during the summer months -- June, July, and August. It seems almost every year I will have winning streaks of 8-12 nights (one night a week on average) during these summer months in which I will come out ahead each visit. My winning streaks usually end sometime in September. On the flip side, I have had my worst losing streaks in November and December -- it is almost as if the casinos tighten up the payouts at the end of the year. I cannot say that for sure, of course, but that has been my experience through the years so I try to avoid going during the stingy Winter months.

For more on how to find a HOT slot machine read this article: How to find the HOT slot machines in casinos

$$$ Go to the Paul Diamond Blow Casino VIP Lounge homepage for more casino tips and advice articles $$$
Written by Yana Sliusar
Have you ever thought about choosing the best time to play online casino? Online casinos are known to work around the clock without holidays and weekends. Is there a difference based on the time of play? At the beginning of the month or in the middle? Or maybe it makes sense to wait until the end of the month imaging that prize pool for winning will be full. During night time or early in the morning? Today we will try to find an answer to the question if there is any difference in the seasonality of online casinos and what time is more profitable to play in online slots. You will see that time is also an important factor.

What is the best time to play in online casino slots?

The entire segment of the online business is a seasonal cycle. During the cold time of the year, people spend more time at home surfing on the Internet. In the warm season, they prefer to travel or to have fun outside. This pattern applies to online gambling and forces casinos to resort to various tricks to attract new players and retain old ones during the 'dead season'. Summer is a hot time for the most generous promotions, bonuses, and rewards in online casinos because they struggle to get clients. The less attractive offers come from casinos when we get closer to winter. But this doesn’t affect the attendance as players are already sitting at home and bored, and it makes no sense to spur their ardour.


Online casinos usually cease their activity of bonuses and promotions during wintertime, but they are very active during holidays. A lot of promotions are running during Christmas and New Year, but it is like a 'secret plan' of online casinos. They know that people take lots of alcohol on all holidays, and a lot of gamblers cannot control. Be sure that during Christmas time, prize pools of all popular online casinos are full of money and slots have the maximum potential for big winning.

Answering the question of what time is more profitable to play in an online casino. We can say: “summer and winter”. Summer is best for generous bonuses to get the positive mathematical expectation of winning and winter is a crazy time with the maximum potential of online slots.

Beginning or end of the month?

I truly believe that the 1st day of the new month is the worst day to play in online casinos and slots. Let's try to go step by step:

All calculations between affiliates and online casinos are made from the 1st to the last day of the month. The same applies to payments to payment systems, software developers, all races, and tournaments are ended on the last day of the month. Note that there is no 'negative carry over' to affiliates. It means if players, for example, won €100,000 last month, a new one starts from 0, and this money is not needed to cover in the future. Isn't it logical to reset the prize pool of online slots in the same way? If you win on the first day of a new month, it will usually mean that somebody lost a lot on the same day. Do not forget that most parts of affiliates are gamblers them-self, and all their commissions are derived from losing in online slots.

In my eyes, the best days for online gambling are at the end of the month. As I see from our statistics, a lot of players thinking in the same way, as 50% of all action comes in the last 2-3 days of the month.

What time of the day it is better to play in online slots

Now we have identified the most generous seasons, now let's move to time - morning or evening. The choice depends on two factors. The first factor is the number of players in the chosen online casino. To understand the importance of that information, we recommend you to read the articles: cycles of winning in NetEnt online slots and prize pool of winning in online casinos. In short, each slot first collects the money, and in this phase winning will be rare and small (players will win less than they bet in). In the second phase, it begins to distribute the fund among players. It is the time of big winning and maximum potential in online slots. The length of the slot cycle in each slot is different, this information is strictly confidential, and the manufacturer of it does not disclose.

The peak of the attendance

The peak of the attendance of online casino sites is 20.00 - 02.00 hours. What time is it better to play? A definite answer to this question is absent. It all depends on what phase of the cycle is a slot: if it collects money in the evening, it will soon pass this stage and will give winning. To determine the phase of the cycle of online slots we suggest you test them in free mode. Please note, that this recommendation is only suitable for NetEnt slots because the random number generator of here works in the same way both: in demo mode and when playing for money.

Where to play?

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?️Does the profitable gaming depend on the time of the day, month, or season?
Yes, the winnings depend on the time, for sure. Such criteria as the time around the clock, the day of the month, and the season should be considered.
It depends on the season of the year very much. In winter, when most people spend more time at home and feel bored, they play more. So, casinos have a lot of clients and they do not make too generous offers to attract players. However, they invent different tricks to involve new players and retain their old ones. On the contrary, summer is the hottest time for bonuses and attractive offers. That is because casinos struggle for each client and the level of competition is rather high.
?Do holidays affect the appearance of new bonuses and promotions?
Sure. Even if the wintertime is a dead season for bonuses because casinos do have plenty of clients, holidays are an exception. Amazing offers usually appear at Christmas time. Prize pools are full of money and all slots are at their maximum for potential big winnings. It looks like a secret plan for many casinos because they understand that alcohol is widely used on holidays and it is more difficult for gamblers to control themselves, so they make quite big bets and stakes.
?Is it better to play at the beginning or at the end of a month?
Best time to go to casino on sunday
The first days of the months are the worst days for playing. The expectations for big winnings are rather low then because all the calculations have been made by online casinos and their affiliates before the 1st day of the next month, and their new month may start even from ‘zero’ pools. On the contrary, the best days for winning are the last dates of a month. 50% of all the actions from players account for the last 2-3 days. And they may bring amazing results.
When to play – in the morning or in the evening – depends on two factors. The first one is a number of players at a certain casino at this time. The other factor is the length of the slot cycle. At the beginning of the active period, each slot collects money from the bets so the winning is rare. At the second phase, the slot starts distributing the costs among the players. This is the time for the highest potential winnings. Considering that the peak of attendance is usually between 20:00 and 02:00, you can calculate when it is better to start hunting for big chances.
?How to determine the phase of the cycle for an online slot?
There is no definite answer to this question because the level of attendance and popularity of each separate slot can differ. To determine this phase, you’d better test the chosen slot in the free mode. Mind that this recommendation works mostly for NetEnt slots because their random number generator (RNG) works equally for both demo version and real-play mode.

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Go To Casino To Play Slots

?At what time will the prize-winning pool be full?
As usual, the prize pool for the best winning options becomes full at the end of the month. However, there are some other important factors, such as the slot and casino popularity and level of attendance. They make the prize pool fully filled.

Best Time To Go To Casino During The Week

Written by Yana Sliusar